Monday, April 13, 2015


An Eastertide meditation in the voice of Thomas

Hi. I’m Thomas, the one they call “The Twin.” I’m one of Jesus’ followers.

You know, not long after Jesus rose from the dead, several of us were together when Peter – that’s what Jesus called him – said, “I’m going fishing.” So we decided to tag along. Wouldn’t you know, we fished all through the night and didn’t catch a thing. Not one fish.

The sky was just beginning to lighten with the dawn of a new day when someone called to us from the shore, “Friends, did you catch any fish?”

I was surprised how close to shore we were. We didn’t even have to shout. But we were all pretty tired and frustrated at that point. “No,” we called back.

“Throw your net on the right side of the boat,” He called, “and you will find some.” It was a strange thing for a person to say, but someone threw the net over the starboard side before anyone said anything. All of a sudden, there were so many fish in the net we couldn’t pull it back into the boat.

John called out, “It’s the Lord!” and we all realized it was Jesus who was standing on the shore talking to us. Peter wrapped his coat around himself and jumped into the lake. I had to chuckle: only Peter would put his clothes on before jumping in the water! The rest of us rowed to shore, dragging the heavy net behind us.

Jesus had a fire going and some fish already on it. He told us to bring some of the ones we had just caught. Peter went and dragged the net ashore. In all there were one hundred fifty-three fish.

That’s what life is like, now that Jesus has conquered death. There is an abundance of everything: abundant life, abundant hope. Even abundant fish.


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